Are you ready for a simplified, effective, BREAKTHROUGH business planning process to increase your agents’ production, focus and effectiveness while decreasing the time to make those things happen? You’ve heard of the 30 minute body power workouts? THIS is the 30 minute business power workout! Be the coach and mentor you’ve always wanted to be and put the responsibility for performance and monthly follow through where it belongs–with your Sales Force! This isn’t theory–Pam’s doing it successfully every day! Learn how you can push your sales force to new production levels, profitability, and passion. Eliminate the mediocrity production plateau!
Course Offerings from Pam
Good . . . Better . . . Best! Which reflects the path your business will take this year? In the ever-changing real estate landscape, discovering Mastery...
Are you applying the leadership principles that allow you to “Connect, Correct and Collect” and ultimately create a DYNAMIC business, office or company...
Create your best year ever with higher levels of Production, Profit and Purpose. This power-packed session is tailor made for Top Producers, the BEST...
Everything good about teams can be lost without the proper knowledge, guidance or experience. You must hire right, share core values, manage the performance...
Will your properties be first out of the gate, prepared to compete and headed for the finish line OR are they destined to take a few laps around the...
As much as you may LOVE real estate, there are probably days you question whether there’s an easier way to make a living. Discover your love for real estate...
The real estate industry changes dramatically . . . are you still approaching your daily real estate business activities the same way you always have?
Strategies, Scripts & Insider Secrets for Maximizing your Online Reviews Frustrated by requesting recommendations that never materialize?
More than ever, being informed and understanding your local marketplace matters. STAYING informed is the best way to remain one step ahead...
Are you ready for a simplified, effective, BREAKTHROUGH business planning process to increase your agents’ production, focus and effectiveness...
Today’s real estate professionals are more receptive to change than they’ve ever been! Agents finding themselves in this “real estate industry”al revolution...
More than ever, brokers AND agents need to protect their bottom line and EVERY dollar counts! We’ll uncover the Top 4 Principles of Profit...
This highly charged session is filled with creative and effective strategies for managing the “GO-TO” office in your market. Come learn how to maximize...
Growth through real estate team development can be the BEST thing or the WORST thing that’s ever happened to your company’s culture. Finding win-wins...
The Latest from Pam

So how’s your profitability doing? If it’s not where you’d like it to be, maybe it’s time for a good old fashioned BarBQ!

When it comes to real estate, we’ve all heard there is no crystal ball....OR IS THERE?

So what’s the basis of YOUR business up messes OR accumulating mass?

So how’s your profitability doing? If it’s not where you’d like it to be, maybe it’s time for a good old fashioned BarBQ!

When it comes to real estate, we’ve all heard there is no crystal ball....OR IS THERE?

So what’s the basis of YOUR business up messes OR accumulating mass?